How can we help your Swimmers?
We currently travel to areas surrounding Forsyth, Dawsonville, and Dahlonega. Check out our full list here.
The more students in one location, the further we will travel!
In addition we have TWO year round, indoor locations.
2025 Registration
Indoor Locations
The 2025 indoor session and registration schedule can be viewed via the "indoor swim schedule" button. Be sure to subscribe for updates below, and mark your calendars!
2025 Registration for Dawsonville and Frances Meadows has reached capacity. The waitlist is currently at capacity as well, however we do anticipate being able to open it again in the near future, for the Dawsonville location only. Be sure to subscribe for updates below! We will send out an email when the waitlist reopens.
What are families saying?
We are proud to teach all ages and all abilities.​
As a team, we have had the pleasure of working with over 10,000 students in Georgia. Our number of students jumps every year.
We owe it all to you -- the families that help keep us in the water, and most importantly, help keep yourself or your children safe in the water.
Read a few stories from our families: